Saturday, August 4, 2012

Student presentations at RMBL!

Adrianna took pictures and wrote this!

After a very long field season, long hours of data collection our students finally wrap up their findings and got ready to share them with the RMBL community. After struggling with their presentations they came up with amazing and really professional power points to present their remarkable results in the Student Symposium.

Dakota McCoy and Vanessa Alejandro


Cody and Vanessa where always seen walking at very slow pace towards each one of the marmots in our population to evaluate the presence of personality traits and behavioral syndromes in our population.

Lawrance Chung
Functional relationships between early play behavior and adult dominance roles

After sorting feces in the lab at UCLA, and doing an honors project looking at behavioral symmetries, Lawrance joined us in the field! Here he has been doing observations and collecting behavioral data, in order to explore functions of pup play behavior.

Alexandra Hettena
Do mule deer respond to the sounds of their predators?

All the deer saw her first when Alex was approaching them to study their responses to predators calls while they were foraging. Who said that deer are not alert while foraging? After long journeys of field work, Alex was able to find that deer can tell apart calls that come from different predators.

Ellen Bledsoe
What is the sound of fear? Behavioral responses of white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucoprys) to synthesized stimuli with nonlinear phenomena

Ellen worked hard and collected all the data she needed; but everything in science is not quite straight forward, and Ellen had to face this problem early in her career in science. Quite lucky, Ellen could handle it and was able to identify interesting responses of birds around RMBL to synthesized nonlinear sounds. 

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